In summer 2003 the garden of Anna Akhmatova Museum in Fountain House became the site of the open-air project "Garden of Eden", which established a connection between the life of plants and contemporary art practices. Opening of the Project: June 12, 2003.
Nine artists took part in the project, they were supposed to create objects from, or with the use of, flowers and other plants.
The projects were:
Nadja Zubareva - Angel
The artist makes light sculptures from industrial net.
Pyotr Bely - Dreams of a Triton
The object is made from 60 3-liter cans containing different sorts of seeweed.
Marina Koldobskaya - In Memory of the Computer
Monitor, key-board, fresh grass
Pyotr Shvetsov - White Trash
The installation consists of a flower-bed in the form of a sofa, and the old television with plastic flowers growing from the screen.
Tatiana Goloviznina - Garden of Eden/Private Zone
Wheat graines are placed inside retorts in coloured gel, where later
they are supposed to put out shoots. Bigger retorts are placed on a tree, and smaller ones are given out to the visitors by a man
dressed as God.
Vitaly Pushnitsky - Memory of a Garden
The sculpture reminds us of statues of young pioneers in "Parks of culture and rest" of the Soviet time.
Michail Karasik - Sewage Flute
Painted waste pipes, flowers
Project Pavilion St.Peterburg
300 Years-300 Faces.
300 painted photos- comic portraits of famous citizens of St.Petersburg- are exhibited in a pyramid made of branches and faced with birch twigs.
Architect: Oscar Madera
Artist: Vladimir Kozin
Project Junk Pipes Playground
The playground is located in the yard next to the museum garden. For building this playground the artists used things and objects
they collected from inhabitants of surrounding housing blocks. Local children took part in the construction.